3 Harrison Place, Armidale NSW 2350
Located at 3 Harrison Place, Armidale NSW 2350, this property consists of
four terraces, each offering a unique living experience.
Terrace 1 is designed with comfort and liveability in mind, featuring one bed-
room (Improve Livability), one bathroom, and no garage space. Despite its
modest size, Terrace 1 promises to provide an improved quality of life for its
Terrace 2 offers a spacious living environment with four bedrooms (Improve
Livability) and five bathrooms. The design also incorporates the concept of
livability, ensuring that residents can enjoy a comfortable and convenient life-
style. Additionally, this terrace includes a garage for parking convenience.
Similar to Terrace 2, Terrace 3 and Terrace 4 each offers four bedrooms (Im-
prove Livability), five bathrooms, and a garage. These two terraces continue to
prioritize the concept of liveability, providing ample space for residents to
relax and enjoy their surroundings.
This is a brand new 2 bedroom SDA-approved apartment in…